Top 3 Best Launchers for Windows 10 PC [2024 Guide]
Hello everyone today we are discuss about best 3 Game Launcher those you have help to play the new generation games very fast and more efficiently so the most 3 games are in the same way below.
1. playnite
Welcome to our website. Today we will take a look at the best all in one gaming launcher. Play let's get started.
Launcher launching process
First go to the link And press the download button. Then open the installer, click install and wait for it. Here you can select the launchers you. Want to get the games from them, then click next.
Launcher settings and process how its work and start
Now you can configure the settings for each launcher. Select import installed games to import not installed games to playnight you need to connect your launcher account with playnite. It is totally safe. I will show to you how to. Do it with Steam. Check Connect account and import not installed games options. Then click the authenticate button.
Now log into your Steam account. It is totally safe and Steam will. Not share your login information with playnight. Now your account is connected successfully. Now you need to wait for playnite to download some data and files. Like game icons, logos, covers, etcetera after. The download is finished.
Ho to use playnite launcher
Now you can see your games list. On the left. You can also see details about the game you selected. In the right you can also install. Uninstall any game you want. From there you can change the view mode. From the top bar there are three view mods you can switch between them. You can use the filters to control. Which games should appear in the list. You can also add games manually if the game doesn't have a launcher. To manage your currently added launchers, click.
The configure integrations option. You can also add another launchers. Go to the add ons menu and then to the libraries option. Inside the browse section. There is also full screen mode. It will convert playnite to console like. Launcher with full controller support. Press f 11 to close full screen mode. You can also install themes from the add ons menu.
And to understand playnite launcher, here we have provided linked you can easily run this launcher
2. Epic game -
Okay, people, so our next launcher name is Epic games, the most famous game website today. Epic games, where you can see a lot of games were made like Far Cry and GTA, YCD, GTA San andreas and GTA five. So we are going to learn about that, how you can use the website to download games, some paid games, some free games.
Process of Epic game launcher
And I'm going to tell you about how. And you can get GTA five for free. So we are going to learn about that thing also today. So first of all, let's visit the website, see how, how does it work? What you need to, how you're going to log in, what you need to do and then you're good to go. So let's go for chrome.
How to scerch and use epic games launcher
You're going to website, you just have to type here. The epic. Epic games. Epic games. Just epic will work. Okay. So yeah, this is in my search Epic games store. You want to go there? Let's see, let's see, let's see. Let the website get be refreshed. Okay, so this is official website, guys.
Do not go for the fake websites. This is the official website, Epic, that is slash store. So here, this is the website and we have not logged in yet.
So what the first thing we gonna do? We gonna do is that we gonna login. So we gonna sign in because I already have made my account. So I'm gonna sign in. I'll do the sign in part and I'll get inside.
So there a lot of options there. If you're using Xbox, then the Xbox live option is there. If you're using PlayStation, there's a PlayStation network. I personally use Xbox for my game play. So yeah, I go for that one. But today we are gonna sign in with the most simplest thing. Sign in with the Google.
So if you think there's a lot of options, Apple option is there. Sign in with the stream is there. Nintendo option is there. The most famous one, the Xbox. Xbox. PlayStation. Nintendo is given.
So you want to sign in with the very simple thing. If you guys, if some of you want to explore, then you can explore the websites, you can explore the new games which I have today. We're going to go little talk about the games which is offered by Epic games.
If you want to sign in with the Google because I already have the account. I'll sign it with the Google. So yeah, I'll do the sign in. I'll get my email. Yeah, this is my email. I'll type my password and then we are good to go. So I type my password, that is done. And we are in.
Now star main process
So we are in the website now. And this is official epic game website here we get here it is refreshed. And let's see, let's see. I think the net is quite slow. No, it's working fine.
Okay, so you know why I'm here. I'm here to download a game. A game which I can play. So I need a good, you know, the good strength, the good, you know, the bandwidth. Wi Fi bandwidth. Right now I'm using Geo Fi. Geofi. So yeah, I'm using geofiber actually.
Yeah, for now. So here it is refreshed. There are lot of, lot of games are here. The most amazing, amazing games this pc games. So here, this is my account and you can see and there's a lot of options I'm getting here.
So yeah, so guys, there's a lot of people get confused here that how they're gonna download these games today. We are going to clear that doubt for you guys. So here it is, a Sherlock Holmes chapter one. And price is two to nine. It's very expensive. So yeah, but I'm going to tell you how you can download the games and how you get it for free.
So if I tell you there is an option. Option is what? There was a time when I bought the GTA five game, official GTA five game from Epic Games officially for free for paying $0. I didn't pay anything for the game, but it, it says that within a year there comes a time, there is a time when there are lot of games are free on the website and you get it for free. And that's an awesome option for you. And you have to just, you know, check it out. I'll, I'll keep the link where you can, you know, get updates then when the game is getting free and then you can directly buy.
For example, there are free games right now. There's a speedball right now, thoraces. These are free right now, you know, so you can download it for free. See here, free games are there and you can download it from here.
You can, you know, purchase it from here for very free. So the free games right now here is this fortnight, okay? So everyone knows Fortnite game and they love it.
The streams go really rocking these days. The Fortnite is the most favorite one I show you. This is for free. Okay? So let it get refreshed. So I tell you, and see, I have already actually purchased the free night and I want to tell you guys that I have not paid a single dollar on this website for purchasing out the, you know, bigger games. I don't want it.
So let's see this. First of all, the fortnight. If you guys are aware, that's good. If you're not aware, then let's see the Fortnite. All you did was prepare it for us. So go on and gather what's left of your army. Ready your defenses.
And to understand better, here we have provided linked you can easily run
3. :-
Now we're going to install, show you how to handle large game installations outside of the proton prefix. And we're going to show you how to set up multiple launchers within Steam to point to different games while sharing the same core install.
Process of battle. New launchers
Whew. That was a lot. Let's get busy. You'll need to download, save it to your downloads folder. I've already done so, so we're not going to do it again. Go to Steam add a non Steam game. We're going to hit browser. We're going to go to home deck and your downloads folder. Change file type to all files, find your setup exe, add selected programs and find it on the list on the left.
A little searching will probably help. And there we have it. Now before we move further, we're going to do something that's a little bit different than my last install. I have learned new techniques and new tricks.
So wherever you're planning on storing your games, either on the internal storage or on your microSD card, go to that location and make a games folder. I have a games folder in each of these locations, one off of home deck and then one right on the root of my micro sd card.
Now inside you'll see I've already installed the games Overwatch and Hearthstone before, so I have these games ready to go for when I reinstall today. I don't have anything in this games yet, but having one on each side gives you some options.
Okay, so now that I've made that game, we're going to go ahead and go to our compact data folder. Now if you don't have these things on the side, I highly recommend you configure places to do so.
If you look in the upper right up here I have a video showing dolphin tricks and tips, but it's going to drastically make your life a lot easier doing these sorts of tutorials. We're going to sort by modify date and you're going to see that the last time a proton prefix was touched was yesterday.
We're about to change that by running Now I highly recommend for we're going to go to properties for, set your compatibility to GE. Proton 749 seems to be the most compatible and you'll have the opportunity to change proton versions for other games once we add individual steam launchers for those games.
But for the core install. This is what I recommend. If you do not have GE Proton or glorious egg roll Proton, you'll need to install it using Proton up QT, which is installable from the Discover store. I'll have a video up here again teaching you how to do that.
We're not going to go through that exercise for this video. All right, so now we've got GE Proton. We are ready to actually do our setup. We're going to go ahead and hit play and it's going to run the installer. Now, one thing you're going to see right off the bat, we're going to go ahead and start this so I can do something else while it's doing its thing.
You'll notice we just got a brand new Proton prefix made just now. It's randomized. Your number won't look the same as this one, but this is where is being installed. So now you know that's the proton prefix for battle, and that's going to be installed.
We're going to open that up, go to the prefix folder and into drive c. This is the Windows simulated folder. This is the quote c drive according to anything running from this proton prefix. So when you run and you go to your c drive, this is what you're going to see.
So we're going to go over to our home folder or to our micro SD card, wherever you decided you wanted to install games. We're going to left drag it over here and create a link. We've now created a symbolic link between this so called c drive and this folder.
Anytime you install anything in the c Colon Backslash games folder, it's really going to go over here, which is great because it's external to that proton prefix. And in fact, if you ever have to remove this prefix, reinstall, whatever. Your games are safely preserved over here. Okay, let's go back to our installation. Oh, yes, fine. You can install exactly where it defaults to, and will install.
Okay, so now battle dot. Net's installed. We're almost done here. Go ahead and log into, by the way, mouse and keyboard. This whole thing is a mess, right? You're gonna have to get through this once, folks. Not that password. Go away. Make sure you hit keep logged in. I beg you. All right, so now we're going to log in. Okay, we could not find any games. All right, we could go and locate our games right now, but let's not do that.
We're going to solve that a different way. Yes, yes. We're going to show you around, blah, blah, blah. Skip the tour.
Now, we're going to go into our settings of and what we're going to do is we're going to say on game launch to actually exit There's several reasons why to do that. And we're also going to show a brief countdown because if Battlenet closes immediately
And to understand launcher, here we have provided linked you can easily run